Amiga Format CD 46
Amiga Format CD46 (1999-10-20)(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][issue 1999-12].iso
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Assembly Source File
432 lines
* 65.asm TLtabs version 0.01 8.6.97
include 'Front.i'
; ***** Important notes about this Program *****
; TLtabs is used to draw a set of thumbtab cards on a window, and monitor
; them. tandem.library has several sets of routines like this:
; - TLtabs,TLtabmon - for a set of thumbtab cards
; - TLslider,TLslimon - for a slider
; - TLscroll - for a window scroller
; - TLbutprt,TLbutmon - for a set of buttons
; Unlike tandem.library requesters, which take over everything and use their
; own window, the above are rendered on a window with other things, and
; share the window. You can of course use gadtools.library gadgets, which
; are sophisticated, as each gadget sends its own special IDCMP messages to
; you. But tandem.library requires you to monitor each TLkeyboard you get,
; to see if the input is from any of the above.
; Follow the logic of the program below to see how you do this. You first
; set up a set of tab cards, & decide what you will do in each. You can of
; course have all sorts of other things on the window. Basically, the user
; is expected to click things to activate them, so what your program must
; do, is see what gets clicked, and activate it for the user, until
; something else gets clicked.
; The program below sets up a set of 4 tab cards, which do various things.
; You will see how to go from card to card under user control (by clicking
; thumb tabs), or under program control. You will see how to edit strings on
; a tab card, how to use buttons, &c.
; You will see that this program uses a set of 12 tiny grafix which you can
; show with TLpict - these are useful for all sorts of things, but they
; are inflexible in that TLpict doesn't allow you to specify the pens used
; to draw them. The grafix allow rounded corners on a bevelled box, arrows
; pointing in 4 directions, a checkmark and a tiny tandem.library logo.
; I didn't make this program font-sensitive, or it would have been too long
; and messy to take in easily.
wdth: EQU 160 ;tabcard minimum body width (20 chrs)
hght: EQU 120 ;tabcard body height
xpos: EQU 20 ;tabcard xpos
ypos: EQU 10 ;tabcard ypos
;data for tabs
tab: ds.w 1 ;currently operative tab
;tab1 data
rec: ds.w 1 ;-1recessed,0normal
t1ps: ds.w 2 ;bev box posn
;tab2 data
name: ds.b 20 ;name as entered
strings: dc.b 0
st_1: dc.b 'TLTabs demonstration',0 ;1
dc.b 'Abc\Defg\Hij\Klmn',0 ;2
dc.b 'I am Tab card Abc!',0 ;3
dc.b 'I am Tab card Defg!',0 ;4
dc.b 'I am Tab card Hij!',0 ;5
dc.b 'I am Tab card Klmn!',0 ;6
dc.b 'TLpict icons 0-B...',0 ;7
dc.b '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7',0 ;8
dc.b '8 9 A B C D E F',0 ;9
dc.b 'Click the box',0 ;10
dc.b 'for a shriek',0 ;11
dc.b 'for a query',0 ;12
dc.b '!',0 ;13
dc.b '?',0 ;14
dc.b 'Enter your name...',0 ;15
dc.b 'Name',0 ;16
dc.b 'Quit',0 ;17
dc.b 'Art!',0 ;18
dc.b 'Go to Tabcard Abc',0 ;19
ds.w 0
* demonstrate TLtabs
TLwindow #0,#0,#0,#380,#120,#640,#256,#-1,#st_1 ;open window 0
beq Pr_quit
clr.w rec ;initialise data
clr.b name
TLtabs #2,#wdth,#hght ;set up tabs: heders in string 2, body 160X120
TLtabs #0,#1,#xpos,#ypos ;draw with tab1 active
move.l xxp_AcWind(a4),a5 ;a5 is currently popped window } used by
moveq #xpos+4,d6 ;d6 is lhs of printable area of body } T1render
moveq #ypos+1,d7 }
add.l xxp_tblh(a4),d7 ;d7 is top of printable area of body }
bsr T1render ;draw tab1
TLkeyboard ;get keyboard
cmp.b #$1B,d0 ;quit if Esc
beq Pr_quit
cmp.b #$93,d0 ;quit if Close window
beq Pr_quit
******* ;note: we would monitor for other things on the
******* ;window here, if there were other things on it.
******* ;If yes, process them, & go to Pr_wait.
move.l xxp_AcWind(a4),a5 ;a5 is currently popped window
moveq #xpos+4,d6 ;d6 is lhs of printable area of body
moveq #ypos+1,d7
add.l xxp_tblh(a4),d7 ;d7 is top of printable area of body
move.l d0,d4 ;save d0
cmp.b #$80,d0 ;only call TLtabmon if left mouse button
bne.s Pr_cont ;else go monitor whichever tabcard at front
TLtabmon d1,d2,#xpos,#ypos ;see if thumbtabs clicked
beq.s Pr_cont ;no, go monitor whichever tabcard at front
move.w d0,tab ;yes, note which tab is now operative
cmpi.w #2,d0 ;go draw whichever thumbtab clicked
bcs Pr_t1dr
beq Pr_t2dr
cmpi.w #4,d0
bcs Pr_t3dr
bra Pr_t4dr
move.l d4,d0 ;restore d0 from TLkeboard
sub.w xxp_LeftEdge(a5),d1 ;make lmb relative to window printable area
sub.w xxp_TopEdge(a5),d2
cmpi.w #2,tab ;branch to whichever tab
bcs Pr_tab1 ;(each test if the TLKeyboard is relevent to it)
beq Pr_tab2 ;(if so, they act upon it, else discard it)
cmpi.w #4,tab
bcs Pr_tab3
bra Pr_tab4
Pr_t1dr: ;draw tab1
bsr T1render
bra Pr_wait
Pr_t2dr: ;draw tab2
bsr T2render
bra Pr_wait
Pr_t3dr: ;draw tab3
bsr T3render
bra Pr_wait
Pr_t4dr: ;draw tab4
bsr T4render
bra Pr_wait
Pr_tab1: ;monitor tab1
bsr T1monitor
bra Pr_wait
Pr_tab2: ;monitor tab2
clr.l xxp_kybd(a4) ;clear in case Reqedit ends with click
bsr T2monitor ;do the monitoring
tst.l xxp_kybd(a4) ;was there a click?
beq Pr_wait ;no, wait for one
bra.s Pr_ccyc ;yes, get it as an input
Pr_tab3: ;monitor tab3 (sets EQ if quit requested)
bsr T3monitor
beq Pr_quit ;go if quit requested
bra Pr_wait
Pr_tab4: ;monitor tab4
bsr T4monitor
bra Pr_wait
Pr_ccyc: ;process a keyboard input inherited from
move.l xxp_kybd(a4),d0 ; monitoring a page
move.l xxp_kybd+4(a4),d1
move.l xxp_kybd+8(a4),d2
cmp.b #$1B,d0 ;(don't quit from here if Esc)
bne Pr_pick
clr.b d0
bra Pr_pick
Pr_done: ;clear tabs area & quit (Esc or close window)
TLtabs #0,#0,#xpos,#ypos
* render tab1
TLreqarea d6,d7,#wdth,#hght,#3 ;clear display area in case re-calling
move.l xxp_AcWind(a4),a5 ;print title
move.w #$0203,xxp_FrontPen(a5)
TLstring #3,d6,d7
subq.b #1,xxp_FrontPen(a5)
move.l d7,d2 ;print string 10
add.w #20,d2
move.l d6,d1
TLstring #10,d1,d2
tst.w rec ;go if recessed
bmi .t1rc
addq.w #8,d2 ;'for a shriek...'
TLstring #11,d1,d2
subq.w #4,d2
add.w #108,d1
TLpict #6,d1,d2
add.w #26,d1
TLstring #14,d1,d2
subq.w #6,d2
sub.w #12,d1
TLreqbev d1,d2,#36,#20
bra .t1cu
.t1rc: ;print 'for a query..'
addq.w #8,d2
TLstring #12,d1,d2
subq.w #4,d2
add.w #108,d1
TLpict #6,d1,d2
add.w #26,d1
TLstring #13,d1,d2
subq.w #6,d2
sub.w #12,d1
TLreqbev d1,d2,#36,#20,rec
move.w d1,t1ps ;remember where the reqbev was (for T1monitor)
move.w d2,t1ps+2
TLstring #7,#24,#88 ;show TLPict samples
TLstring #8,#24,#96
TLpict #0,#24,#108
TLpict #1,#40,#108
TLpict #2,#56,#108
TLpict #3,#72,#108
TLpict #4,#88,#108
TLpict #5,#104,#108
TLpict #6,#120,#108
TLpict #7,#136,#108
TLstring #9,#24,#120
TLpict #8,#24,#132
TLpict #9,#40,#132
TLpict #10,#56,#132
TLpict #11,#72,#132
TLpict #12,#88,#132
TLpict #13,#104,#132
TLpict #14,#120,#132
TLpict #15,#136,#132
* render tab2
move.l xxp_AcWind(a4),a5 ;print title
move.w #$0203,xxp_FrontPen(a5)
TLstring #4,d6,d7
subq.b #1,xxp_FrontPen(a5)
TLstring #15,#24,#60 ;print instructions, bev
TLstring #16,#24,#72
TLreqbev #68,#71,#100,#10
sub.w #20,a7 ;print name (so far)
move.l a7,a0
move.l #xxp_xtext,(a0)+
move.l #name,(a0)+
move.l #xxp_xcrsr,(a0)+
move.l #-1,(a0)+
clr.l (a0)
TLreqedit #72,#72,a7
add.w #20,a7
* render tab3
move.l xxp_AcWind(a4),a5 ;print title
move.w #$0203,xxp_FrontPen(a5)
TLstring #5,d6,d7
subq.b #1,xxp_FrontPen(a5)
TLstring #17,#40,#40 ;quit button
TLreqbev #38,#39,#34,#10
TLreqarea #74,#75,#60,#30,#0 ;draw a picture
TLreqbev #74,#75,#60,#30
TLreqarea #82,#79,#44,#22,#3
TLreqbev #82,#79,#44,#22
TLpict #0,#82,#79
TLpict #3,#118,#79
TLpict #4,#82,#93
TLpict #5,#118,#93
TLpict #11,#100,#86
TLpict #8,#100,#107
TLstring #18,#88,#116
* render tab4
move.l xxp_AcWind(a4),a5 ;print title
move.w #$0203,xxp_FrontPen(a5)
TLstring #6,d6,d7
subq.b #1,xxp_FrontPen(a5)
TLstring #19,#36,#70
TLreqbev #34,#69,#142,#10
* monitor tab1
cmp.b #$80,d0 ;quit unless lmb
bne.s T1_quit
sub.w t1ps,d1 ;quit unless in bev
bcs.s T1_quit
sub.w t1ps+2,d2
bcs.s T1_quit
cmp.w #36,d1
bcc.s T1_quit
cmp.w #20,d2
bcc.s T1_quit
move.w rec,d0 ;flip-flop rec
eori.w #-1,d0
move.w d0,rec
bsr T1render
* monitor tab2:
cmp.b #$80,d0 ;quit unless lmb
bne.s T2_quit
sub.w #72,d1 ;quit unless clicked in box
bcs.s T2_quit
sub.w #72,d2
bcs.s T2_quit
cmp.w #96,d1
bcc.s T2_quit
cmp.w #8,d2
bcc.s T2_quit
sub.w #20,a7 ;edit name
move.l a7,a0
move.l #xxp_xtext,(a0)+
move.l #name,(a0)+
move.l #xxp_xmaxc,(a0)+
move.l #12,(a0)+
clr.l (a0)+
TLreqedit #72,#72,a7
add.w #20,a7
move.l xxp_FWork(a4),a0 ;tfr name as edited to name
lea name,a1
move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
bne T2_tfr
* monitor tab3:
cmp.b #$80,d0 ;don't quit unless lmb
bne.s T3_unqt
sub.w #38,d1 ;don't quit if clicked outside quit button
bcs.s T3_unqt
cmp.w #34,d1
bcc.s T3_unqt
sub.w #39,d2
bcs.s T3_unqt
cmp.w #10,d2
bcc.s T3_unqt
T3_quit: ;exit here to quit
moveq #0,d0
T3_unqt: ;exit here NOT to quit
moveq #-1,d0
* monitor tab4:
cmp.w #$80,d0 ;go unless lmb click
bne.s T4_quit
sub.w #34,d1 ;go unless button clicked
bcs.s T4_quit
cmp.w #134,d1
bcc.s T4_quit
sub.w #69,d2
bcs.s T4_quit
cmp.w #10,d2
bcc.s T4_quit
move.w #1,tab ;note tab1 in front
TLtabs #0,#1,#20,#10 ;bring tab1's thumbtab forward
bsr T1render ;render tab1 body (needed data still in A5,D6,D7)